Monday, September 04, 2006

A painting a day set -up

The water is gone, Ernesto has blown over and the skis are overcast but starting to look better. I can now start to put furniture back in the studio, even if its on a cement slab. I brought in just the essentials so I could keep my painting a day series going. I have some small 4 by 6 pieces started. Here are some photos of the paints I use, the table and how I set up my work. If you have questions, just write to me and I'll be happy to answer anything you are wondering about. For larger paintings I obviously need more room and paint on an easel or on a table top easel. The mini muffin tins I use are an art subject in themselves and one day I will paint them. I like to have all the colors together, the blues, the reds, and the yellows. I also like to have at least one cool and one warm of each color but as you can see sometimes I have more. I like various characteristics of certain colors, grainy, opaque, transparent so even though I may have say antwerp and cyan both very similar in hue one is transparent and clean while one is staining and will go much darker.

I use large brushes and the tins give me enough room to dip most of my brushes in without having to work at it. I could buy even larger tins but then I would have a problem with fitting them on my table next to me. I use at least one tube of paint in each well and have specific colors designated for each spot. This way I do not have to think as to where a certain color is, I know their location instantly. If I want to use a color say Opera which I love but don't use often enough to deem it worthy of a spot, I put some paint from the tube onto a ceramic tile, or into a small soy sauce take out container. I use it like this until its gone. Each muffin tin is then placed in a zip lock bag after painting to keep my paints creamy. I only use certain brands for certain colors. I did an extensive study to determine which paints were right for my style. I bought various paints and made these color charts and compared all the paints to see which one was right for me and now, if I need a certain charateristic I can go to these charts and make my choice. People have actually thought the charts were great and wanted to buy them. They are really colorful and seeing all the reds at once is breathtaking for an artist.
I have a mirror I use because sometimes you need to see the work from a different perspective or at a distance. The mirror is on the all above the table.

I use mostly flat brushes but have many rounds that I like for detail work. The flats are from 1/4 inch to 3 inches and most are both synthetic and natural hair combination brushes. I paint with sables but those brushes are the smaller brushes. I use bristle brushes for softening edges and scrubbing out.
I use two containers of water one for clean water and one for getting all the paint off of the brushes. I use a smooshed up roll of toilet paper with a lint free paper towel wrapped around it. This I use to remove all the water from the brush. I use gator board as a support, and plenty of cotton towels. That it! Now I'm back in business!
Later tonight I'll post my work for today. Happy Labor day, If I'm painting it is a labor of love.

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