Sunday, February 25, 2007

Calmness a painting a day
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In looking back over the last several paintings I can see that I'm painting from a different place. I don't mean a physical place but a mindset. I'm distilling scenes and not literally painting them. As a daily painter with more than 200 dailies painted so far, I can see trends and attitudes reflect back to me from my work. Its interesting to see the subtle changes taking place. Every once in a while, I do a commission and then it seems like its all technique. These little daily paintings allow me the freedom to paint anything, really anything can be worthy of being the focus for the day. This freedom to paint anything also allow you to explore various things you may not in larger works. You are more adventurous and less predictable. Its as if we have been trained(even as artists) to do what you know works. With the dailies its a bit different, you don't really loose anything, the supplies are minimal, the time only an hour or two, so you might explore the way light recedes thru the woods or you may try to push texture, hue or chroma. You may push it too far and figure out whats too much, all the same your work doesn't suffer because its just a wee little painting and there is someone out there who will love it. This need to explore and test is an important element into developing your style. You'll know when it speaks to you, you'll respond to it, & then, you'll know this is also your voice. An artist's journey isn't much different from others, it just takes a few more twists and turns, that's all. "Calmness" is a small painting and will be for sale for $40.00. size is 10.5 by 5 inches.

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