Here you see "Sam" my black lad sleeping under the table, near my painting table. He sleeps under my painting table too but it gets a little crowded there. Now, I put a blanket under the larger table to encourage him to sleep out from under my feet. You can also see the new veneer floor. Yeah, its finished! It only took three weeks. I picked the type of veneer that looks like old planks, it is rather rustic, I like it. Its easy to keep clean. The carpet was nice too but this is more practical. I 'm still trying to decide if I want to put the area rug back into the room.

Here are just two of my color charts. I made these charts for all of the paints I use. In each circle, I have a light a dark and a med value. This helps me make color choices. Also, the circles are large enough that I can see if the paint is transparent, opaque or have granulation qualities.

Here is a close up of my palette. I usually use a porcelain pallet and I keep my paint in mini cupcake tins.

This is how I paint the smaller pieces. I usually have my reference on my DVD player(or computer) or place the book as you see in this picture, next to the painting on the easel. If I use 4 by 6 photos I have a little picture holder that clips on to the easel or the lamp.

This is the color chart I made specifically for roses and other light colored objects. This chart shows me how any two or three colors look when layered over each other. I select the ones I will use and can move thru a painting rather quickly because i have already figured out the mixtures. I save these charts for future use. Its funny because sometimes people want to buy the brighter ones, they are rather fascinating.

Here the painting almost finished. You can see I still have the roses to complete. This is a layering or glazing project so I have to wait in between glazes. I should only have about another 15 or 20 minutes of painting and it will be complete. If you have any questions, drop me a note.
I hope you enjoyed this peek into my working area.