Friday, January 05, 2007

River watcher a painting a day -Art, the struggle continues

river watcher
This painting is 15 by 22. I love the colors and the feel of the cool waters. It is for sale for $100.00 USD. If interested e mail me. It’s on 140 lb paper with only professional grade paints & I'll ship anywhere.

I don't think I'm going to be able to paint today.
I'm been feeling a little down the last few days. I'm struggling with my larger projects. I have three I'm developing and I cannot get a clear grasp as to what I want to say and why I need to say it. When this happens I tend to fumble and I get moody.

Creativity cannot be forced. It has to come from some place, some inner source that we all call upon. Some art just comes, easily and smoothly, like a gift. Then, like an addict you crave more, painting, painting, and painting, you trying to grasp that creative high so to speak.
When you fall into this depth as an artist you can mire and sink into the muck of mediocrity. This can be bad, really, bad.

Yes of mediocrity, & you think, “how can this be"? Last week I painted one of the best paintings I have ever done. Is that it? Will it return can I get that something back? You talk to yourself, you might try to just say to yourself this will pass, relax, take a break. Sometimes you consider just painting similar subject matter and explore all the possibilities, maybe try to get some of that magic back.

I’ve been painting for awhile and I can say from experience, when there is a major problem with creativity, I find I'm on the verge of a break thru of some kind and I have to wallow a bit into the self doubt realm before I‘m allowed to create something really worth while.


Marion said...

Uh huh, it's the same with writing...some days it just doesn't work, no matter how many times I try and begin something.

And usually, that block means something big is coming up, just around the corner.

Watercolors by Susan Roper said...


I feel your pain, been there, done that. I am sure you will find the spark again. Regarding the current painting, if this is how you paint when you are beginning a down phase, I have no doubts you will find your way again soon. It is magnificient, such a richness of emotion as well as color.

I am curious when you say that last week you painted one of the best paintings you have ever done, which one was it? I am my own worst critic and often am told that a particular painting is the best they have seen of my work, yet it is almost always NOT the one I would say I even liked that well. Just curious, as I said.

Best wishes for finding your way,

Shanti Marie said...

"Misty Waters" was a painting I considered to be one of my good ones...

Thanks for your comments, its nice to hear I'm not alone.