Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thinking of Fall and the lake-

Ok, so I’m sitting here sweating and thinking, Geeze I gotta get into shape. I used to run six miles every day, well I used to do a lot of things. Now I’m glad my knees don’t hurt going up the six stairs in my condo. I just walked three large dogs all of varying unknown decent thru the woods and around the lake. It’s a beautiful (almost) fall day. You can smell the change in the air and fall will be here soon. One sure thing you notice is the temperature; it’s not too humid today. I guess it’s what some folks call Indian summer. But who knows how that got started. It’s probably not politically correct to say Indian summer any more. It’s just like the other day someone was in my garden asking me about a plant and I wanted to tell her its called “Wandering Jew” I stopped short fearing you can’t call it that in these enlightened days. It sucks when you have to worry about offending someone all the time. Anyone who knows me knows, I’m not going to offend you if I know there is the slightest chance of offending you. My buddy is from New York and she’ll say anything, she figures you’ll get over it. She’s probably right.

No painting today, not yet, I’m trying to figure out what to paint next. I have boxes of reference photos, sketch books in bags, closets and even in the car, magazine clippings, cards, newspaper clipping and even restaurant clippings. I should just sneak over to the neighbors home, their house is right on the lake, my condo sits back a ways. I could paint the lake and maybe some of their garden gnomes or birdhouses. I was told the guy that owns the property is (was) an avid bird watcher. There are bird house all over. I think he is now in a rest home, I wish I could find him. He has a great deck from which I could paint. His house which is really a cabin is over grown with ivy and is almost a dock house and sits over the water. When I walk by there with my dogs I stretch my neck to see thru all of the trees, remember this is SC and it's very wooded. I can envision myself sitting on that deck, watercolor palette in hand staring off into the woods or over the water. He must have love that place. I wonder if he would like a painting of that little cabin. Perhaps I’ll ask around, the place has a “no trespassing” sign so I won’t go in, until I ask.

Today I’ll post another painting not one I did today but one I sold a few years ago. It was a painting I did after working with Zoltan Szabo. My teacher.

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