Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sunset Pastures

This small painting is post card size, painted on 140 lb Watercolor paper. It was done with multiple glazes and direct painted after the glazes have dried. I am already getting a bit tire of these cows, I'll have to think of something else to paint. Maybe sheep?
These little paintings are actually a liitle bit of a challenge for me as I usually paint pretty BIG.
I like to paint on 15" by 22" usually. This is a half sheet of watercolor paper. I find this size easy for large brushes but not to big for detail. These post card size painting 3 1/2 inches by 5 inches ( actual size) can be difficult since I like to use a flat brush of at least 1 1/2 inches or a #12 round. Everything you do can help you so I'm game to try it for awhile. I think I like the 6 by 9 inch better because I can get in a bit more detail.

If you cannot see this painting it can be viewed
or go to for several other pages of paintings.

Thanks for your comments.

1 comment:

tom said...

Hello Shanti,
Why not a rustic fence with maybe a mailbox, or an old tractor. I am responding to your comment on my blog site, and would be very glad if you consider "linking" to my site. Although I am not commited to the "painting a day" thing I am refocusing my attention to my studio. Hopefully I can get some of the images up on the paintings I have finished this week soon. Tom Gross